Should you Hardsell a Prospect?

Samson Yerokun
2 min readMay 28, 2021

I don’t think you should be aggressive — AT ALL — when recruiting someone.


Now, I know there a plenty of fancy closing techniques, snappy one-liners, and the idea that you need to “twist the knife” in order to actually motivate someone to make a decision (…in their own best interest, of course).

But that’s just not my “thing.”

Even if it contradicts the advice you might get from the “hard closers” out there…

My take is that aggressive sales tactics will ultimately backfire on you.

Because here’s the big picture…

It takes a certain type to succeed in network marketing.

It takes someone with the entrepreneurial DRIVE…

…that burning desire and discipline to DO what needs to be done.

And… as much as I hate to say it…

That simple fact eliminates the VAST majority of folks.

So even if you do manage to enroll someone using a hard close, the reality is they’re probably not going to turn around and actually DO anything.

And then, when you wind up with a team that needs constant hand-holding and pep-talks to stay motivated, it’ll literally drive you batty.

Adding insult to injury, when you reflect on why these folks aren’t doing anything…

You’ll realize they shouldn’t have joined in the first place.

Harsh, I know.

Now, you might be thinking…

“Hold up, Samson isn’t recruiting a ‘number game?’”

And you probably think you’ve got to smash those nebulous numbers before you’re going to find that magical “right one.”

But consider this…

You wanna know a surefire way to recognize the right person?

It’s honestly pretty dang self-evident and isn’t much of a mystery.

So here you go…

The right person will hard close YOU on why they’re a good fit for YOUR business.

You’ll be able to tell by how they talk, and, more importantly, what they DO.

And that right there is the magic of of being persuasive in your marketing and automate your recruiting process

You put the ‘bait’ out there, and see who bites.

They will come to you.

So you never need to chase, convince, or sell anyone.

Now, don’t know about you, but that’s more my style.

Maybe it’s just me…

But don’t you think that’s a much better way to find people, instead of beating the bushes and prospecting everyone who can fog a mirror?

If you agree…

I would like me to show you how you can generate leads consistently and to automate your recruiting process…

<<CLICK HERE << to connect with me.

Samson Yerokun



Samson Yerokun

I am a digital Marketer and entrepreneur, I help businesses with their visibility online and to profit on their return on Investment